What does it take to keep a nearly 60-year-old ministry thriving? A group of committed, passionate people who seek God's direction on behalf of the ministry. And that's exactly what our 10 cabinet members do as they oversee our 17 brands and 2 school guides. (See full list of cabinet members below.)

Our cabinet is made up of talented, strategic people who lead various areas of our ministry: publishing, operations, finances, technology, and more. Together they make key decisions, pray for direction, strategize for growth, and invest in the staff of Christianity Today.

For many cabinet members, though, they weren't always in such influential roles. More than half started in lower-level positions somewhere in the ministry and rose through the ranks before serving as vice presidents and executive directors. They began as associate editors and production assistants and accounts receivable coordinators. And over that time, they grew a deep understanding of our ministry and a deep love for what God is doing through our brands. Their experiences make them the perfect people to lead us into the next chapter of publishing, especially as the publishing world continues to shift and make sense of new digital realities.

It's also noteworthy that four of our ten cabinet members are women, and that our cabinet members come from different backgrounds, attend different types of churches, and span several generations. That certainly keeps the opinions varied and the conversations stretching. But it's also what allows them to approach every issue "wisely and well, with faith and hope and love," as Marshall Shelley puts it.

How did such a varied group come to be? Many of our cabinet members learned of Christianity Today in the same ways our readers do. Marshall Shelley read his dad's CT issues and later in seminary realized just how helpful the articles were. Likewise, Theresa Hoffner learned about CT while in college at Moody. Andy Crouch was drawn to the ministry because he appreciated the "evangelical heart, ecumenical breadth, and intellectual depth" of CT. Not everyone learns of the ministry through our flagship magazine, though—even if they end up working on it. Mark Galli, for instance, learned about the ministry through Leadership Journal and later applied for a job out of a desire to write for the prestigious magazine.

Across the board, our cabinet members were originally attracted to the ministry by the difference our brands make in the world. Now, though, as they oversee the ministry, they're motivated to stay because of the people who serve God day in and day out in the work that produces and publishes our many publications and products. Terumi Echols says that she has "never seen a more dedicated group of people who wholeheartedly want to serve God in their work." Carol Thompson feels privileged "to work with such smart, creative people who are eager to honor God with their best work." On top of that, the cabinet gets a front-row seat to watch all that God is doing through Christianity Today to equip Christians to renew their minds, serve the church, and create culture to the glory of God. As Theresa Hoffner put it, knowing that what we do advances the kingdom gives all our work more purpose.

With nearly 60 years under our ministry belt, it'd be easy to believe that the ministry might feel old or dusty, but as our readers can see, we're always renewing ourselves to better serve today's Christians. And that's what excites our cabinet members most about the future of Christianity Today. Kent Jensen gets excited about watching "creative, talented, and dedicated teams moving us into the future," despite facing challenging times. Mark Galli comments on being in the center of a journalism revolution and that there's no ministry better equipped than Christianity Today to engage our culture with "less strident and more reasoned conversation." And Andy Crouch is quick to remind us that "we are needed as much now as we ever have been," and that there is a deep hunger for the kind of work we do. But perhaps Vicki Howard sums up the cabinet members' feelings best when she says, "I am very confident that God is not finished with us yet, that he has much more in store. It has been a bit painful as he has reshaped and equipped us to serve the church of the future, but I am truly excited to see what he will accomplish in the months and years ahead. It will be amazing!"

With dedicated, passionate cabinet members leading us by seeking God's direction, we're all excited to see what God has next for our historic ministry.

Andy Crouch
Executive Editor, Christianity Today

Terumi Echols
Chief Publishing Officer

Mark Galli
Editor, Christianity Today

Theresa Hoffner
Executive Director of Technology

Vicki Howard
Special Assistant to the President

Kent Jensen
Chief Financial Officer

Skye Jethani
Executive Editor, Leadership Journal

Marshall Shelley
Editor in Chief, Leadership Media Group

Harold Smith

Carol Thompson
Chief Operations Officer