Cory Whitehead, Christianity Today's director of brand & digital marketing, was interviewed recently by two online trade journals. Sean Donahue, editor of Subscription Site Insider, focused on our company's subscription-based websites. This was not Donahue's first interview with Cory. In 2007, Donahue was impressed with what we were doing with's subscription model, and he decided to circle back to us when he learned that Christianity Today now has eight paid-subscription access websites. You can read about the case study on SSI's blog - Promoting Paid Content via Facebook Pages. SSI's analysis included the following:

"Christianity Today is incredibly smart about identifying paid content opportunities. Instead of trying to emulate print content in a subscription or pay-per-download site, they focus on solving particular problems for a specific niche audience through practical, actionable resources—an approach that traditional publishers still struggling with their own paywall sites should study carefully."

In another interview with Lou Ann Sabatier of, Cory talks about the growth and success of Christianity Today's paid content online over the last decade.

Part of the reason for this growth—the formation of a Marketing Enrichment Group at Christianity Today to foster in-house training, collaboration across various marketing teams, and idea germination. Author Sabatier said, "CDS global published a "client spotlight" in their January 2011 Perspectives that piqued my interest. They reported on the formation of a Marketing Enrichment Group at Christianity Today. I had a sense this was more than "centralized" marketing and a conversation with Cory Whitehead confirmed that and something else; this company has been innovating since day one."

Learn more about the innovation Sabatier is referring to in her full article with Cory.