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Stories: Quotes

How has the ministry of Christianity Today influenced your life and your ministry? We'd love to hear your story!

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How has the ministry of Christianity Today influenced your life and your ministry? We'd love to hear your story!

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  • Ashley Hales: CT Asks The Hard Questions With Grace
    Ashley Hales: CT Asks The Hard Questions With Grace

    When ‘culture wars’ pit Christians against one another into opposing camps, we need places like CT to help bridge the gap. We need places of public conversation that are willing to ask the hard questions, to own up to their own mistakes, and move forward with grace.

  • Darrell Johnson: CT Is In Touch With the Global Church
    Darrell Johnson: CT Is In Touch With the Global Church

    I do not know of any other resource that is seeking to understand the world and the gospel in the ways CT is.

  • Jane Zwart: CT’s Ekstasis Expands Our Vision of Faith
    Jane Zwart: CT’s Ekstasis Expands Our Vision of Faith

    I think there’s an adventurous bravery, a sense that a perspective of faith shouldn’t narrow our vision but should change our vision. I think that’s something that Ekstasis is really living into, and it is really important.

  • Chrissie Kauffmann: CT Connects Across Denominations
    Chrissie Kauffmann: CT Connects Across Denominations

    I think that CT has a unique opportunity to connect Christians across denominations virtually because of its reputation for quality, unity, and commitment to the gospel.

  • Meagan Gillmore: CT Was a Lifeline In a Dark Season
    Meagan Gillmore: CT Was a Lifeline In a Dark Season

    CT was a lifeline for me during a dark season of my life. I was struggling to determine how to follow God faithfully in a world that ignores and derides religion, and I felt alone in my feelings. But CT reminded me that I'm not the only one feeling this way and taught me that this tension is actually a good thing.

  • Sandra McCracken: CT Models Honest Conversation Around Difficult Topics
    Sandra McCracken: CT Models Honest Conversation Around Difficult Topics

    CT is always trying to listen and have an honest conversation around difficult topics. CT brings things to light that other people don’t want to address, but it’s not to be provocative. CT is willing to take some risks, to make culture, to talk about important issues that other people don’t know how to talk about.

  • Bruce Neurohr: CT Models a Posture of Truth and Love
    Bruce Neurohr: CT Models a Posture of Truth and Love

    Christianity Today gives me a way of beginning biblically-based conversations with my kids and with people who I'm in relationship with. We need to be able to speak to one another in truth and love, and CT models this posture.

  • Shirin Taber: CT’s Global Perspective Brings Awareness to the Church
    Shirin Taber: CT’s Global Perspective Brings Awareness to the Church

    CT gives people in the west an exposure to the reality of how people are suffering in the world and how we can make an impact. They tell the stories of people who are doing great things and those stories compel people to get involved and make a difference.

  • Jill Anschutz: CT Helps Me Feel a Part of the Larger Church
    Jill Anschutz: CT Helps Me Feel a Part of the Larger Church

    CT is a voice that represents a lot of evangelicals and what they’re thinking about. Even though it’s a pretty dispersed community, CT helps me feel more a part of it.

  • Jill Anschutz: CT Curates Important Conversations
    Jill Anschutz: CT Curates Important Conversations

    Through the voices CT includes in its pages, it curates the conversation and boundaries that define 'evangelicalism', and what that means for society today.